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Sylacauga: 256.208.0060 | Chelsea: 205.678.1286

Symptoms of Childhood & Adolescent Cancers

February is National Cancer Prevention Month and February 4th was World Cancer Day. Cancer is a scary diagnosis and a word that no parent ever wants to hear. Thankfully, there are things you can do to protect your child from a life-changing or life-threatening diagnosis.

Childhood and adolescent cancers are rare, and early symptoms may seem like everyday bumps, bruises, and infections. Unlike common childhood illnesses and injuries, however, cancer symptoms don’t get better on their own. Depending on where the cancer cells gather in the body, a child with cancer will show some symptoms that typically get worse over time.

Examples of concerning symptoms to talk with your child’s pediatrician about:

  • an unusual mass or swelling
  • unexplained paleness or worsening rash
  • loss of energy for no obvious reason
  • unusual behavior or movements
  • a sudden tendency to bruise or bleed easily
  • lasting pain in any part of the body
  • unexplained fever that doesn’t go away
  • frequent headaches, often with vomiting
  • sudden eye or vision changes
  • unexpected, rapid weight loss

Keep in mind that a single symptom by itself is less likely to be a sign of childhood cancer. Children who receive a cancer diagnosis usually have many different combinations of symptoms at the same time.

What to do if your child has some of these symptoms

If your child has a combination of these symptoms, or any symptoms that don’t go away and seem to get worse, contact your pediatrician for a thorough evaluation. Depending on the doctor’s findings, blood tests or imaging studies may be helpful. Your pediatrician may also refer you to a pediatric hematology and oncology to test for and possibly diagnose cancer.


Regular check-ups with the pediatrician help keep your child healthy. They also help to ensure that any suspicious symptom of childhood cancers are evaluated and treated promptly. Don’t hesitate to talk with your pediatrician about any ongoing or worsening symptoms your child is having.

If your child is behind on wellness visits, call our office, send a portal message, or click here to schedule!

Sylacauga: (256) 208-0060
Chelsea: (205) 678-1286
