Cerebral Palsy in Children

Children with cerebral palsy have trouble controlling their movement. The condition is the most common disability that affects a child’s motor control. Cerebral palsy usually is caused by a brain injury or abnormal brain development before birth or early in life. Genetic causes, although less common, can also play a role.  Here is what families need to know about […]

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Fevers: What to Do Without Over-the-Counter Medicines

As a parent, it can be stressful when your child doesn’t feel well. With sick season ramping up for children, parents are looking for ways to manage symptoms—including reducing fevers. And many are coming up short on locating over-the-counter acetaminophen and ibuprofen products for infants and children. If you find yourself in this situation, stay calm: […]

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RSV, Flu & COVID: What is the Difference?

Your child has a stuffy nose, cough, and fever. Is it the flu? COVID? Or are they symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Let’s look at four common childhood illnesses caused by viruses – COVID, flu, the common cold, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). All of them share some similar symptoms. Here are some clues […]

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Hearing Loss in Children

September is Deaf Awareness Month. The deaf community comes together every September to promote awareness of needs amongst the community and to celebrate the rich history surrounding the deaf community. They also use this time to highlight continued advocacy for deaf rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In recognition of Deaf Awareness Month, […]

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Tummy Time Activities

Supervised tummy time is important for a baby’s physical development. Tummy time also allows your baby to visually explore the environment in a new way. When positioned on their back, they can see only the ceiling and whatever is directly around them. But on their stomach, they use their muscles to lift their head and see the […]

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3 Mental Skills Children Need for Sports

Participation in sports has clear benefits for children’s health and development. Sports can help improve concentration, reduce anxiety and boost self-confidence. However, organized sports can also lead to stress and challenges that can be harmful if a child is not prepared for it. If your child is going to participate in sports, you can help […]

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