Making the Switch to a Big Kid Bed

Once your toddler can climb out of their crib, it may be time to transition to a “big kid” bed. Your child may have a heady sense of freedom the first few nights after moving permanently to a bed. Luckily, most kids are happy to “graduate” and stay in their beds more willingly than they did in […]

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Breakfast for Learning

Why the Morning Meal Matters Maybe your teen snoozed through their alarm and doesn’t have time for breakfast. Or too many things went wrong to get your kids fed before they left for school. Maybe your child flat-out refuses to eat breakfast. It’s not unusual to miss breakfast occasionally. But if it becomes the norm, […]

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Playing Safely in the Yard

8 Tips to Keep it Safe & Fun for Kids As springtime is in full bloom and the weather warms up, it’s always good for kids to get out of the house and play outside! If you have a backyard or other outdoor space at home where your kids play, follow these tips to help […]

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Understanding Autism in Children

April is National Autism Awareness Month! Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can affect a child’s social skills, communication and behavior. Because most children on the autism spectrum will sit, crawl and walk on time, you may not notice delays in social and communication skills right in the first year of life. Looking back, […]

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The Dangers of Water Beads

Water-absorbing gel beads sold as sensory toys and used in vases and gardens are a growing problem among young children. What Are Water Beads? Made of superabsorbent polymer chemicals, water beads are also known as jelly beads, hydro orbs, crystal soil and gel beads. They are also called sensory beads, used as play tools for […]

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Purple Day: Epilepsy Awareness

March 26th is Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness. People around the US and the world will wear purple to raise awareness for epilepsy and some will even host events to raise funds and support for those with epilepsy. So what exactly is epilepsy? Defining Epilepsy: Epilepsy, sometimes called a seizure disorder, is a disorder of […]

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